I did it!
Last week, I ditched my signature 26 inches of Cambodian hair and traded them in for 12 inches of kinky-haired goodness.
This is what the hair looked like after it was installed and blow-dried "straight". The hair is crazy soft and it looks like it's growing right out of my scalp.
Soon after straightening the hair, I took the scissors to it and chopped it down to about 8 - 10 inches. Eeek! I freaked out a bit at first. Especially as I stared at the pieces of hair chilling on the floor of my bedroom. Once I convinced myself that I could not glue them back on, I moved on with my life.
I took a 1 inch curling wand to my hair to achieve the full curly look.
Hair Specs :
Company : www.heatfreehair.com
Pattern : For Koils
Length : 12 - 14 inches
Ounces : 8
Some random videos :
Oh. And I got accepted into USC! Yay me!
Congrats!!!!! Love your new look!!!