Saturday, July 3, 2010

Remix To My Bang Hairstyle!

So I decided to do this hairstyle with the bangs ONE last time. This time I used longer hair, 10 inches and 12 inches to be exact. I think I like the style with the longer hair. What do you guys think?


  1. i like it, bangs really do look great on you:)

  2. I love it...i think u look great with any dreamt of ur cambodian weave last night, cant wait to get one

  3. i had my hair just like this, lengths and all a couple years back. i loved it and everybody loved it on me. everywhere i went and had to show my ID nobody believed it was me lol. i miss it dearly and will probably go for it again with a good quality BSS when it gets a little cooler cuz this texas heat ain't no joke! lol have me lookin like a scarecrow round these parts...

    btw, happy 4th of july! :)

  4. I like it long && short. The short look makes you look kinda innocent && the long look has a sexy sense to it (NO HOMO) lmao!!
